
What Is Instructional Technology?

Instructional Technology is the use of any current technologies to either teach others or enhance instruction.  When I think of technology used for instruction, the use of computers is what first comes to mind.  Over the years, we have seen computers become more than just a tool for word processing, but with the introduction of the internet, and educationally focused software, computers are now being used to not only enhance instruction, but even deliver it. 

The internet provides educators with a great wealth of resources to enhance his/her instruction.   Websites, such as studyisland.com, readwritethink.org, and United Streaming are used to help with test prep or as a resource for teachers.  With the rise of Web 2.0 applications, such as wikis, blogs, and social networking sites, technology is now allowing students and educators to not just view the web, but to interact with it.  We now have the power to and collaborate, communicate, even earn a Master's degree completely online.

Some technology is used primarily for instruction, such as interactive whiteboards in classrooms.  However, I am beginning to see teachers take the technology that students interact with daily and find a use for it in education.  IPods can be used on field trips to record interviews with classmates or as a way to view video podcasts from professionals or their peers.  I have even seen a teacher have his students text friends on their cellphones as a way to collect data for a math lesson.

As technology continues to advance and become more accessible, we have greater opportunities to find uses for it in education.